
AMI and CARI Pilot Research Project

The Alabama Materials Institute and Collaborative Arts Research Initiative (CARI) have announced a joint funding opportunity, Joint Pilot for Arts Research.  This unique and exciting opportunity brings together the sciences and engineering with the humanities and arts. AMI andCARI will hosta kickoff event on Thursday, 9/5, from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in 1000 Bevill, where…

AMI External Advisory Board Formed

The Alabama Materials Institute is pleased to announce the organization of its inaugural external advisory board. These members include Mr. Steve Cook, Professor Sudarsanam Babu, Mr. Michael Johns, Mr. Timothy N. McKechnie, and Mr. John Vickers. Each member brings a diverse background of experience from academia, national laboratories, and industry in support of materials development…

Teachers Learn About Materials

During the week of June 24-28, The University of Alabama hosted twenty teachers from Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, and even California. These teachers participated in a second-year ASM Materials camp that addresses how metals, ceramics, polymers, and other materials can be incorporated into middle and high school courses that include physical…

AMI Hosts EDAX Workshop

On Wednesday, April 17, through Thursday, April 18, 2024, AMI hosted a tutorial session on the operation and data analysis of EBSD detectors using the EDAX platform. This workshop included lectures on the theory of Electron Backscattered Diffraction, as well as multiple hands-on demonstrations using EDAX equipment that is housed in AMI’s Core Analytical Facility.…

Professor Roy Receives Top Research Honors

Dr. Samit Roy, William D. Jordan Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, will receive the University of Alabama’s Senior Research Scholar award on April 22, 2024. The President’s Faculty Research Award, sponsored by the UA president and the vice president for research & economic development, is awarded to outstanding faculty researchers from…

AMI-Affiliated Faculty Members Win NSF CAREER Awards

Congratulations to Dr. Nilesh Kumar, assistant professor of metallurgical & materials engineering, and Dr. Tibor Szilvasi, assistant professor of chemical & biological engineering, at The University of Alabama, for their designation as 2023 National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER awardees. Per NSF, “The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science…

Steel Day at the Capstone

The College of Engineering and Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering held “Steel Day” on Thursday, February 1, 2024. This event, coordinated by Professor Nilesh Kumar, brings together faculty, students, and industry to discuss new innovations in steel-related activities, research, and products as well as employment opportunities and internships for students. For more information, visit

UA Materials Science Students Recognized for High-Impact Contributions

A contingent of University of Alabama materials science graduate students participated in in the annual UA-UAH-UAB Materials Science Symposium held at the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation and Integration Center on the campus of UA-Huntsville.  The symposium hosted both a poster as well as oral presentation sessions. Through this event students, faculty, industrial, and federal laboratory researchers…

Alabama Materials Institute Open House

The Alabama Materials Institute will host an open house on Monday, January 8, from 10:00–11:00 a.m. in 1000 Bevill Building. This is a great opportunity to learn about AMI and how to become an affiliate research member, meet staff, and ask questions. For more information, please contact AMI at

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