Usage, Reservations, & Fees


The CAF operates as a university recharge center. As such, a fee structure for the use of CAF instruments has been developed following federal cost accounting principles and the mission, goals and principles of the CAF.

Users with more than one project will not be permitted to utilize those projects to create multiple simultaneous reservations on a single instrument. Users should not reserve times for others but for his/her own work; failure to follow this policy can result in restrictions to reservations.

All users must pay for instrument time.

View updated user policy (February 6, 2020).

2024 Fees

InstrumentInternalExternal AcademicCommercial
JEOL 7000 SEM$20/hr$30/hr$125/hr
ThermoFisher Apreo SEM $20/hr$30hr$125/hr
ThermoFisher Apreo SEM$20/hr$30/hr$125/hr
Keyence Digital Microscope$10/hr$10/hr$25/hr
ThermoFisher Talos 200i TEM$30/hr$45/hr$175/hr
ThermoFisher Spectra 300 kV TEM$50/hr$75/hr$200/hr
Helios 5 UX FIB$30/hr$45/hr$175/hr
Helios 5 Hydra CX PFIB$30/hr$45/hr$175/hr
Tescan Lyra XMU FIB$30/hr$45/hr$175/hr
Cameca LEAP 6000 XR$25/hr$38/hr$175/hr
Bruker XRD$15/hr$23/hr$75/hr
iProto iXRD $10/hr$15/hr$75/hr
Rigaku Miniflex XRD$5/hr$10/hr$75/hr
Rigaku SmartLab XRD$15/hr$23/hr$75/hr
Nanovea Mechanical Tester$10/hr$15/hr$50/hr

Usage and Reservations

Data Retention

Due to limited hard drive space, CAF encourages users to remove data from equipment after sessions or as often as possible. CAF staff will routinely remove old data to free up space and are not responsible for the loss of user data.  When possible, notifications regarding data removal will be sent in advance.

A $75 per hour additional fee applies when staff assistance is required.

Please contact the CAF Manager for information regarding instrument training and usage rates.

Vibratory Polisher

Because this piece of equipment is used frequently by multiple groups and has, at times, not been properly cleaned, the need to monitor access and usage has warranted listing this equipment through the FBS. While the polisher will be free to use, please review and adhere to the following policy regarding usage: Polishing Guidelines.

Billing Schedule

Billings are sent on a monthly basis to departments that distribute them to advisors. All users should have CAF accounts with current billing information.

Disputable Charge

Users may contact the facility director to discuss any disputed charge. Any adjustments must be completed within 90 days to comply with the university’s rule.


Reservations can only be made in hourly and half-hour time increments (e.g. 9:30-12:00).

Daytime and Evening

There are currently no billing distinctions between day and evening use.

Flexible Start/End Time

Start/end time is calculated to the second so that you are billed for the actual instrument time you have used.

Extended Usage

If reserved time is extended, the user will be charged according to actual usage.

Unused Reservation

If the user does not show up within 30 minutes after the reserved start time, the reservation will be canceled and another user may use the time period. The user who made the reservation will be charged a $20 no-show/late cancellation fee.

Canceled Reservation

Users will not be charged if a reservation is canceled more than one day (24 hours) before the reserved time begins. Users will be charged the equivalent of one-hour usage if the reservation is canceled within the same day because other users are unable to make reservations when there is a standing one.

Forgetting to Log Out

Users will be charged for time logged in. If the user forgets to log out overnight, they will be charged until they log off.

Report Forgotten Logouts

If any user finds that the previous user forgot to log out, he/she should report to the facility manager as soon as possible. The facility manager can log the user out via the administrative account. Please note, the current user’s experiment might be interrupted if the previous user logs off while the instrument is being used.

Technical Assistance and Training Fee

Technical assistance and training fees are entered manually by CAF staff. Charges depend on assistance or training provided and time spent.

Machine Downtime

Users will not be charged if the machine is marked as down, even if he/she has reserved the machine. Users may also request reset of charge if the machine is faulty but not marked as down.

Report of Equipment Problem

Please report any equipment problems to CAF staff, either in person or by email, as soon as reasonably possible